
Download IOBit Protected Folder

Protected Folder is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified. It works like a safety box, just drag and drop ...

IObit Protected Folder v1.3.0 檔案加密、鎖定、保護、隱藏

軟體名稱:IObit Protected Folder[*]軟體版本:1.3.0[*]軟體語言:繁體中文、簡體中文、英文…等多國語言[*]軟體性質:試用版,只可使用20 次,確定要用的話請購...

Iobit Protected Folder [Download]

Protected Folder is a folder / file locker which protects user's privacy and important data from theft, loss or leaks. To lock folder and file, ...

IObit 加密魔法師Protected Folder 1.3

IObit Protected Folder 可輕易地將我們的資料夾、檔案、照片或影片隱藏起來,讓資料達到完全隱形,除了我們自己,其他人是看不到它們的。

Protected Folder

The best files protection tool to keep important files in security, IObit Protected Folder for windows 10 protects files and data effectively.

Protected Folder Quick Start Guide

Protected Folder is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified in Windows 7, Vista, XP and Server 2008, 2003. It ...

[正版購買] Protected Folder 1.3 中文版

2017年5月12日 — Protected Folder is a folder / file locker which protects user's privacy and important data from theft, loss or leaks. To lock folder and file, ...

【限時免費】Protected Folder 隱藏電腦中的機密隱私檔案與 ...



ProtectedFolderisdesignedtopassword-protectyourfoldersandfilesfrombeingseen,readormodified.Itworkslikeasafetybox,justdraganddrop ...,軟體名稱:IObitProtectedFolder[*]軟體版本:1.3.0[*]軟體語言:繁體中文、簡體中文、英文…等多國語言[*]軟體性質:試用版,只可使用20次,確定要用的話請購...,ProtectedFolderisafolder/filelockerwhichprotectsuser'sprivacyandimportantdatafromtheft,lossorleaks.Tolockfoldera...